Ancestor Links - Why Genealogy ?

A definition for - "Genealogy" - the study, research and investigation of ancestry and family histories.

  1. Why Genealogy ? - Some Thoughts
  2. Why Multi-Family Name Genealogy Research ?
  3. Genealogy Documentary Series - Who Do You Think You Are? - Research Discoveries
  4. Old Family Records & Photos - Suggestions/Recommendations

Some thoughts - Why Genealogy ?

To help save ancestor and family information from obscurity and to honour ancestors and families for - the footprints they left behind - and the seeds they planted ...

For example:

Early pioneer settlers of North America (17th & 18th Century) built the first homesteads, farms, schools, churches, businesses, towns, roads, bridges ...
All this while battling a harsh climate, untamed wildlife and the challenges and difficulties that were part of everyday life in the wilderness ...
They may not have built the "modern" infrastructure and conveniences that we enjoy ...
However, over generations, they built something of far greater value - local Communities.

Check these Photos & Images links:

Why Multi-Family Name Genealogy Research ?

Traditionally published family genealogy books tend to focus on one family name and today there are thousands of websites that also tend to focus on one family name. If we focus all our genealogy research on one family name then we end up ignoring a huge percentage of our ancestors.

For example:

If we only look at one family name for our genealogy research - and then go back 3 generations - everyone has 8 possible great-grandparents. If we only look at one family name at that generation - then we are looking at less than 15% of possible ancestors - i.e. we are ignoring over 85% of possible ancestors. The further back we go the percentage of possible ancestors that we would be ignoring increases.
If we go back a further 4 generations (7 generations in total) - to our 5th great-grandparents and we continue only looking at one family name - then we are looking at less than 1% of possible ancestors – i.e. we are ignoring over 99% of possible ancestors.
Would you not prefer to have a more complete view of your family history - through multi-family name genealogy research ?

Research Discoveries - with Genealogy Documentary Series - Who Do You Think You Are?

The genealogy documentary series Who Do You Think You Are? - illustrates the enjoyment that can be had when making genealogy research discoveries - including direct family ancestor links to important historical periods and events - involving inspiring, courageous, dramatic and tragic stories.

Check this link for an overview of the Genealogy Documentary Series - Who Do You Think You Are?

Suggestions/Recommendations - Old Family Records and Photos:

Rather than throwing old family records and photos away - please consider donating them to a Genealogy or History Society or some other repository such as an Archive or Library.
These institutions have the know-how and facilities to preserve and catalogue old documents and photos and to help save them from obscurity.

Check these links:

Genealogy Research Services

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